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A woman in a black karate uniform is smiling

Dr. Dubrow consults women “of a certain age” in her Hot Women Only practice. She incorporates the latest in research into her exercise prescription to encourage bone retention and prevent muscle loss. She helps women clear up the fog that occurs with menopause through nutritional training and supplement recommendations. Hot Women Only is available to those women seeking someone who understands medical research and design, standards of practice and beyond, and who is not only empathetic, but has been there–done-that, and conquered menopause through education and implementation. Peri, meno, and post menopausal women seeking science based expertise and consultation for nutrition, weight loss, bone and muscle preservation visit HotWomenOnly.com

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A poster titled the efficacy of golf fitness using step principles in improving driving distance accuracy and efficiency during the swing

Dr. Dubrow presents nationally and internationally. Knowledgeable, entertaining, and interesting, as she has been described by attendees, Dr. Dubrow is available for presentations through K. Dubrow Physiological Consulting. She is also available to you, when you need a consultant to maneuver through pain, function, and life. 

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A woman is helping a man stretch his arm

Dr. Dubrow loves to learn. She became a Certified Golf Fitness Specialist in 2004. Through a four-phase program, she provides golfers with exercises specifically for them and specifically for the game of golf. Her father was an avid golfer and she adores working with her golfers of all ages. Uninjured Golfers seeking Golf Enhancement for Accuracy, Distance, and Consistency Improvement visit GolfFitnessDoc.com

  • A group of people standing in front of an american association of orthopaedic medicine sign

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    Ola Grimsby, Matt and Karen, colleagues of the Ola Grimsby Institute presenting at the American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine

  • A group of people are posing for a picture while holding name tags.

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    Loretta West, PT, DMT, FAAOMPT, former DMT student of Dubrow, Maude Cejudo, PT, PhD, DMT, FAAOMPT former PhD student of Dubrow, Travis Morrison, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, former Fellowship Mentee of Dubrow

  • A sign that says welcome to basel on it

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    Traveling to Basel, Switzerland to present research

  • Two women are standing in front of a blue poster on a wall.

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    Dr. Cejudo and Dr. Dubrow presenting groundbreaking research at IFOMPT 2024.


Her combined clinical experience and her research expertise were precisely the attributes for which a medical device company was looking when they hired her to consult on a new device for long-term relief of backpain without surgery. Dr. Dubrow provided the research of the pathologies and effective interventions, educated the team, created the research design for testing the device, and provided the researched based exercise program that was an essential part of the design of the product. Her team with whom she worked directly included the CEO, the vice president of the company, a developer with a master’s degree in medical device innovation, physics & applied mathematics, and Ph.D in Physiology.

Other consultation includes expert analysis testimony for legal teams. 

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